Scarlett McGovern, Author at Core Networks - Page 4 of 6

How a VPN can add to your business security

Being able to work from home is a wonderful benefit for employees and can keep them productive while reducing their stress.  It can also be a data security risk if not handled properly. Fortunately, if you have a local network, it’s not very hard to bring...

Why are software updates important?

When you are working on your business laptop or desktop you will receive prompts to install software updates(also known as a patch.)  These annoying pop-up notifications interrupt work and productivity, so many wish to ignore them. These updates provide fixes, patches...

4 Ways to Avoid Data Breaches

In the current era of data, we face an ongoing risk of data loss, be it through hacking or system failures. The data you hold on your computer systems is crucial for your business; as such, it is critical that you Avoid Data Breaches Why should you care...

Is Your Business Due for an IT Assessment?

It is critical for businesses to conduct thorough IT assessments regularly so they can identify security violations, monitor performance, and document network developments.  An IT assessment can also help firms to ascertain the ways in which technology can enhance...
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