Scarlett McGovern, Author at Core Networks

Is Your Business Ready for Hurricane Season?

Hurricane season is in full swing. Hurricane Florence is barreling towards the Carolinas and there are three other systems being watched. Most coastal residents have some idea as to how to prepare their houses and other buildings for hurricanes, but what about your...

Have You Tried Rebooting It?

It’s stereotyped as the favorite question of IT help desk people: “Have you turned it off and back on?”  On the surface, it seems like a ridiculous question. How on earth could rebooting a device possibly fix anything?  And yet, it does. I’ll explain, and hopefully...

FBI Warns of ATM “Jackpotting” Threat

About a week ago, some scary information started making the rounds.  The Telegraph reported that the FBI had issued warnings that there would potentially be a hacking attacking on ATMs worldwide.  There was a threat that hackers would be unleashing a “jackpotting”...

The Alphabet Soup of VoIP

If you have read some of our older blog posts, you may realize that we at Core Networks are fans of VoIP. However, if you have stumbled across our blog to read some of our newer posts, you probably don’t understand what VoIP is, other than some fancy type of...

Translating IP Addresses to Binary

In our last post we discussed the differences between MAC and IP addresses.  In this post we’ll delve deeper into IP addresses.  Specifically, this post is going to focus on how to translate IP addresses into their original binary numbers. An IP address looks...
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