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Telcom and Cyber Security Blog

2022 IT Budgeting

2022 IT Budgeting

Here are some tips and pointers for small and medium businesses to help them with their 2022 IT budgeting so they can plan ahead to have adequate ransomware protection provided by a professional managed service provider.  

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5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Laptop

5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Laptop

5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Laptop Is your new laptop running a bit sluggish? Before you run out and complain to the manufacturers, you can do a few things to improve the performance of your present model. Changing launch programs, defragmenting the hard disc drive...

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Essential Small Business Management Software for 2020

Efficiency and productivity are two things that every business strives for. The more productive the workforce is, the more profitable the business is. There are a million ways to make your team more productive and efficient. Fortunately, there are software...

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Is Your Business Ready for Hurricane Season?

Hurricane season is in full swing. Hurricane Florence is barreling towards the Carolinas and there are three other systems being watched. Most coastal residents have some idea as to how to prepare their houses and other buildings for hurricanes, but what about your...

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How a VPN can add to your business security

Being able to work from home is a wonderful benefit for employees and can keep them productive while reducing their stress.  It can also be a data security risk if not handled properly. Fortunately, if you have a local network, it's not very hard to bring...

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Email for business – Time Saving Email Tips

The rise of email for business and personal communication has greatly reduced turnaround time in general and fostered greater information exchanges. Yet, it has also introduced new time-sucking woes. For instance, email has made it simple and cheap for communication...

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Backup Software Upgrade

CORE Networks has always had a strong emphasis on contingency planning and data backup.  That is why we've offered a backup software solution to our clients from day one.  We've upgraded numerous times throughout the years to keep up with all the latest backup...

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