Yealink SIP-T27G - Cost-effective Multi-line IP phone - Core Networks

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Yealink SIP-T27G – Cost-effective Multi-line IP phone

Feb 3, 2022 | Communications

Yealink SIP-T27G

The Yealink SIP-T27G is by far one of the most cost-effective Multi-line IP phones in the T series. Why you may ask? Let’s dig into the details, and find out together!

Let’s start off with a few features on why this VOIP Phone may be good for your business.

With a 3.66″ graphical LCD, and 240 X 120 Resolution the user can easily see any incoming call, and easily make out any screen options. Your SIP-T27G will have six lines for up to twelve simultaneous calls. It offers a Dual-port Gigabit Ethernet port, with 1 USB Port (2.0 compliant). If you do not have available ethernet hardwire, you can opt for External Yealink AC Adapter (optional), and a Yealink WF40 USB Dongle, which provides your T27G with a wireless connection on your business WIFI. This VOIP solution is easily implemented to any MSP and VOIP provider with a quick and easy setup to your existing business setup.

On your Yealink SIP-T27G, you will also be able to have up to 21 (3 pages of 7 keys) personal contacts to store and use as needed easily navigating when you are quick-dialing your users. By using standard encryption protocols, the Yealink SIP-T27G performs highly secure remote provisioning and software upgrades. Fixed Feature Buttons: Message, headset, conference, mute, hold, transfer, redial, speakerphone, volume control.

Secure Transport and Interoperability

The SIP-T27G uses SIP over Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL), which is the latest
network security technology

Efficient Installation and Provisioning

The Yealink SIP-T27G supports efficient provisioning and effortless mass deployment
with Yealink’s Redirection and Provisioning Service (RPS) and Boot mechanism to
help you realize the Zero Touch Provisioning without any complex manual settings,
which makes it simple to deploy, easy to maintain, and upgrade. See Yealinks website

HD Audio

Yealink Optima HD Voice technology combines cutting-edge hardware and software
with wideband technology for maximum acoustic performance. Being a totally open,
highly versatile audio codec, Opus is designed to perform a higher HD audio quality
than other wideband codecs in a high network bandwidth; However, if your current
network quality is poor, Opus can provide you with a better audio quality than other
narrowband codecs. See Yealinks website

If you think this VOIP phone would fit in your business, please feel free to Contact Us.

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