How to Spice up your Company Voicemail Greetings - Core Networks

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How to Spice up your Company Voicemail Greetings

Dec 8, 2016 | Communications

Your company voicemail greetings are very important, since it says a lot about your business to your clients and customers. Everyone hates generic recorded voicemail greetings, whether they are on your home phone or business phone. This is why it is important that you personalize your company’s voicemail greetings, and most VoIP solutions that let you do that.

If you’re not in your office, you can leave a voicemail greeting, to act as your first line of communication with clients or potential clients. Adding your own personality in the greeting, will ensure that you standout to your client, but make sure that it is still professional. So here is how you can spice up your company’s voicemail greetings:

Spreading the Holiday Cheer

The holiday season is here, and you can easily use that to your advantage to have some fun with your office’s voicemail greeting. You can personalize a greeting, by opening with a holiday jingle or anything that will bring an immediate smile on the person calling in, and don’t forget to keep your prospects and clients in the loop about where you will be.

You should remember that not everyone observes the same holidays, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spread the festive cheer with a personalized holiday greeting that will improve your customer’s experience.

Inject a Little Humor

The most important part of recording a voicemail greeting is injecting a little bit of humor in it. All you have to do is make it funny, but this doesn’t mean that you crack lame jokes, since that can have the opposite effect. Don’t try anything offensive, and look around to inject some light humor into your greeting, which will bring a smile on the face of your customers.

Provide Callers a Time Frame

The main reason your clients call you is to get in touch with you, but got your voicemail instead. Therefore, it is only polite that you provide them with a time frame of when you check your voicemail and will get back in touch with them. They will leave more details for you, when they have a timeframe of when you will be checking in.

Use Fewer Words

You can be witty and clever with your company’s voicemail greeting, but you should emphasize on making it simple, concise, and to the point. The callers don’t want to learn about your life story, and don’t need to listen to a greeting for 2 minutes. So make sure that you don’t annoy them by dragging out your greeting, since they may be calling in for an urgent issue.

Offer Callers Other Communication Options

You should most definitely offer callers other options for reaching you, which can include texting you on your personal cell, or emailing you, so that they can find you at the earliest. This will satisfy any caller, since they will acknowledge that you value their time, and have provided them with sufficient information to get in touch with you.

As with all things, keep your company’s voicemail greeting professional and courteous as well, so that you don’t end up rubbing anyone the wrong way.

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