The Top Cyber Security Risks And How You Can Avoid Them

Telcom and Cyber Security Blog

The Top Cyber Security Risks And How You Can Avoid Them

Dec 4, 2019 | Cyber Security

Did you realize over 58 percent of the cyber attacks perpetrated each year target small businesses? For most businesses, using the power of technology to stay connected with consumers and other businesses is a must. Making sure the network you have in place is secure should be one of your top concerns.

Cyber Security Risks

Ignoring the need for better network security measures can lead to big problems in the long run. This is why learning about cyber security risks and the measures needed to mitigate these risks is vital. Informing yourself and your team about these online dangers can help you keep sensitive information out of the hands of hackers.

Read below to find out more about common cyber security threats and how to avoid them.

Ransomware Attacks are Surprisingly Common

Keeping sensitive information on your servers is probably something you do without much thought. One of the worst things that can happen to a business owner is becoming the victim of a ransomware attack.

This attack involves hackers taking control of a business network and demanding a ransom to release the information contained on it. Paying this ransom will only make your problems worse, which is why taking measures to prevent these attacks altogether is important.

The best way to mitigate the risks posed by ransomware attacks is by putting a backup and recovery system in place. A cloud-based system will backup your data immediately. With this backup, you can wipe your network clean and remove ransomware with ease.

Phishing Scams Can Create Lots of Problems

You and your employees probably receive hundreds of emails on a monthly basis. The worst mistake you can make when receiving an email from an unknown address is to open any attachments. Cyber-criminals use email phishing scams to put viruses on a network or to steal sensitive login credentials.

Not only will you need to bulk up your network security to fend off these attacks, you also need to work on educating your team about phishing scams. The more they know about what to look for when receiving emails, the easier it will be to avoid these scams.

Avoid Establishing a Bring Your Own Device Policy

Saving money is one of the main concerns most business owners have. While staying on budget is important, you need to avoid making decisions based on cost alone. When it comes to allowing employees to bring in their own devices to access sensitive information, you need to avoid this at all costs.

Most smartphones and other mobile devices are not secure. This means that the sensitive information accessed on these devices can be stolen by a cyber-criminal.

By providing your employees with devices, you can rest assured they are secure.

Professionals Can Help You Avoid Cyber Security Risks

If you are unsure about how to avoid common cyber security risks, working with professionals is a good idea. Without this professional guidance, you are bound to make mistakes.

Are you looking for an experienced managed IT provider? If so, contact us now to find out about the services we provide.

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