20 Years IT Help Desk

Telcom and Cyber Security Blog

20 years and it seems like only yesterday…

Aug 8, 2022 | Business

CORE Networks 20 YearsIt seems like only yesterday when my brother and I were discussing how we can use our IT skills to help local businesses navigate the ever-changing world of technology.  In fact, it was over 20 years ago!  20 years of incredible journeys with amazing partners/clients & co-workers.  20 years of amazing friendships, 20 years of a constantly changing IT landscape & 20 years of training on new technologies.  Yes, it’s been a good time but certainly had some challenges along the way as any worthwhile journey should.

Core Networks has experienced a lot in its 20 years, but it started during a very pivotal time in the tech industry. If you venture back to 1989 when CERN developed the World Wide Web, there was a huge explosion of tech companies, but only the best and brightest survived. We’ve always focused on providing the very best customer service, listening to our clients needs, staying with them every step of the way, and helping them in key decisions on their I.T infrastructure. Our client’s success creates proof that a great MSP company can help provide a larger profit margin for the client, and happier employees that don’t have to worry about losing data, interfering with their workday, and many more daily operations that can cause a headache.

As I look to the future of CORE Networks, I see more challenges on the horizon.  The cyber threat landscape is expanding exponentially and will continue to require evolving solutions to protect our clients and government agencies are pushing regulations requiring compliance in many new industries.  We are well ahead of the cyber threats with our Zero Trust philosophy and are developing solutions to better serve our clients from a compliance standpoint.

We are lucky enough to have some of the best partners and clients in the world. I look forward to keeping their businesses on the cutting edge of technology and protected from cyber threats for many more years to come.

If your business is in need of an IT Help Desk Solution, reach out to CORE.  We’ve got you covered!

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