The Alphabet Soup of VoIP
If you have read some of our older blog posts, you may realize that we at Core Networks are fans of VoIP. However, if you have stumbled across our blog to read some of our newer posts, you probably don’t understand what VoIP is, other than some fancy type of...
Translating IP Addresses to Binary
In our last post we discussed the differences between MAC and IP addresses. In this post we'll delve deeper into IP addresses. Specifically, this post is going to focus on how to translate IP addresses into their original binary numbers. An IP address looks...
MAC vs IP Address
I figured I’d give you all a break from malware and talk about something different. In that spirit, I’m doing a little post about IP addresses and MAC addresses. I'm going explain the difference between MAC and IP addresses by starting with question: “What is an IP...
Malware 101
In our previous post we discussed the Russian malware known as VPNFilter. In this post, we figured we should pull back a little and give you a rundown on malware in general. You’ve probably heard lots of terms associated with malware - viruses, rootkits, Trojans,...
Russian Malware and Protecting Your Business
Hello Internet! We're reopening our blog, and we figured a good place to start would be a discussion of a current event. In this post we'll be discussing why the FBI has asked people to reboot their routers. The reason? A bit of Russian malware called VPNFilter. A bit...
5 Ways a VoIP System Can Immediately Help Streamline Your Business
Even with the remarkable benefits of VoIP systems, there are still a large number of businesses that are using landline phones. The modern world of internet and high-speed data has made a significant difference for businesses, especially when it comes to modern...
Business Security and Your Anti-Virus Software
When you're the owner of a business, one of the most important aspects is making sure that the workplace is secure. Not only is it important that you educate your employees on the dangers of cyberspace, for example, but you need to be sure you're doing your part as...
Advantages of Working with a Local VoIP Provider
Small businesses and large businesses alike are increasingly acquiring VoIP services, which have not only helped streamline business services but also ensured greater client satisfaction as well. There are lots of local VoIP providers nowadays offering businesses the...
How to Spice up your Company Voicemail Greetings
Your company voicemail greetings are very important, since it says a lot about your business to your clients and customers. Everyone hates generic recorded voicemail greetings, whether they are on your home phone or business phone. This is why it is important that you...
Questions to ask when hiring an IT support company
Without a doubt, security should be a major concern for all businesses, no matter the size. Nowadays, cyber criminals are targeting small businesses just as often as they do large businesses. If you're interested in hiring an IT support company for business security,...
Securing Wireless Networks
Undoubtedly, Wi-Fi has made it very easy for organizations to connect to the Internet from a number of devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. While Wi-Fi networks are certainly more convenient than wired networks, Wi-Fi networks do pose a...
Protecting Small Business Phone Systems
A NY Times article noted, that in 2013 small business lost $5 billion in fraudulent phone charges. That number is up $1 billion from 2011, according to the Communications Fraud Control Association. Digital phone hacking has been going on for years, and the internet...